The Enchanted Orchard

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Description :

We present you the show called The Enchanted Orchard, which has the most popular dancing group. Can you imagine an orchard that becomes alive? You will be able to see it in this amazing and innovative parade. Long-legged characters, scarecrows, dancers and other surprising characters that will make you laugh with their dancing. To complete this unusual orchard we have got a float with the shape of a cut trunk on which we will watch 4 alive sunflowers and 3 special crows which leave the spectators absolutely astonished.

Technical data :

- The float has the shape of a cut trunk. Measures: 4 m Height and with the crow actress is 7 m Long x 2.5 m Maximum Width.

– Music equipment of 2000 w.

– Generator of 6 kva.

– Optional smoke machine.

–  15 woman dancers and actors (including make-up, 8 scarecrows, 3 crows and 4 sunflowers), 3 long-legged scarecrows and 2 technicians.

– People and float transport are included.

Live the experience that has already been experienced by thousands of people.

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